Monday, June 22, 2009

The Journey

Here is a tentative schedule of our trip:

Lexington, Kentucky
Chicago, Illinois
Minneapolis, Minnesota (Mall of America)
Mt. Rushmore
Yellowstone National Park
Lava Springs, Idaho
Seattle and The San Juan Islands
Portland, Oregon
Crater Lake
Redwood National Park
San Francisco, California
Los Angeles, California
Las Vegas, Nevada
Grand Canyon National Park
Four Corners
Mesa Verde
Arches National Park
Boulder, Colorado
Carlsbad Cavern, New Mexico
Roswell, New Mexico
Omaha, Nebraska
St. Louis, Missouri

Feel free to make suggestions... We'd love to know if we're missing something we should really see.


  1. On your way to Omaha you should go through Alliance and see Car Henge. Just like Stone Henge only made of cars. It's pretty cool.

  2. Definitely hit up Denver, you won't regret it!
